Don't fit in. Stand out.

Parent groups



Parent Groups


SENG-Model Parent Groups

Parenting your gifted child:
a facilitated discussion group dedicated to supporting you

Parents of gifted children frequently feel isolated from support. They experience an unsettling dissonance between the child-rearing practices recommended for average children and the reality of the child in their midst. The very strengths and characteristics of gifted children often result in associated problems, particularly in social and emotional areas. (Gifted Parent Groups: The SENG Model2nd Edition, pg.3)

Our groups provide a safe and supportive environment to freely discuss your child’s development and parenting challenges. You will connect with other parents, increase your awareness of your child’s unique needs, learn strategies for successful parenting, and expand your resources. Your child does not need to have been formally identified as gifted to participate. To ensure everyone benefits, space is limited to 10 participants per group.

Weekly topics include:

  • Characteristics of gifted children

  • Communication

  • Motivation, enthusiasm and underachievement

  • Discipline and self-management

  • Intensity, perfectionism and stress

  • Idealism, unhappiness and depression

  • Acquaintances, friends and peers

  • Siblings and only children

  • Values, traditions and uniqueness

  • Complexities of successful parenting



Living with Intensity:

Understanding the Sensitivity, Excitability, and the Emotional Development of Gifted Children, Adolescents, and Adults

When you are ready for beyond the basics. In this group we dive deeper into Overexcitabilities and Dabrowski's Theory of Positive Disintegration. We will discuss topics such as stress, misdiagnoses, family dynamics, perfectionism, and gifted issues across the life span. 



Create your own adventure:

you provide the people and the place, We provide the topics relevant to you.

Connect with your friends who are raising gifted children to examine and discuss relevant topics with guidance and support from experienced and passionate gifted consultants. We will curate information related to your interests and challenges in raising gifted children and facilitate discussion in a warm and friendly atmosphere.

Sample topics include:

  • Characteristics of giftedness and Intensity: This is gifted? Surprising behaviors and traits that are related to giftedness

  • Education: Fostering autonomous learning, achievement, multi-potentiality

  • Technology: Gifted-specific issues related to technology use

  • The Gifted Family: Managing overlapping intensities and gifted family dynamics



Gifted Homeschooling Parents

In-Person, OnlinE, and hybrid Support Groups

Following the tried and true SENG-Model, we facilitate groups specifically designed to support novice, experienced, and somewhere-in-between homeschooling families raising gifted children.